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Added local createInstance

guest 2 years ago
1 changed files with 193 additions and 58 deletions
  1. 193

+ 193
- 58
index.js View File

@@ -50,6 +50,23 @@ console.log(getVersion());

const { existsSync } = require('fs');
const existslink = function(name, cb){
fs.lstat(name, (error, stats) => {
if (error) {
else {
console.log("Stats object for: example_directory.txt");
// Using methods of the Stats object
console.log("Path is file:", stats.isFile());
console.log("Path is directory:", stats.isDirectory());
cb(null, true)
const existsFolderSync = existsSync;
const fs = require('fs')

@@ -320,7 +337,7 @@ var performPull = (repo, branch, repoowner, errHandler) => {
env: process.env
, cwd: instanceroot + '/' + repo
, runas: processedArgs.runas
, title: `'git', ${['config', '--replace-all', '', selectedinstance.username].join(' ')}`
, title: `'git', ${['config', '--replace-all', 'core.symlinks', selectedinstance.username].join(' ')}`
.then(() => {
if (__isElevated) {
@@ -1560,20 +1577,30 @@ var op = {

var tasks = [
() => {
if (existsSync('config')) {
var p = nodeShellExec('rmdir', ['config'], { inherit: true, shell: true, env: process.env }
).catch((err) => { console.log('Ignoring benign error : ' + err); return true; })
return p;
else return Promise.resolve(true);
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
existslink('config', function(err, data){
if(data) {
var p = nodeShellExec('rmdir', ['config'], { inherit: true, shell: true, env: process.env }
).catch((err) => { console.log('Ignoring benign error : ' + err); return true; })
return resolve(p);
else resolve(false)
return promise;
() => {
if (existsSync('data')) {
var p = nodeShellExec('rmdir', ['data'], { inherit: true, shell: true, env: process.env }
).catch((err) => { console.log('Ignoring benign error : ' + err); return true; })
return p;
else return Promise.resolve(true);
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
existslink('data', function(err, data){
if(data) {
var p = nodeShellExec('rmdir', ['data'], { inherit: true, shell: true, env: process.env }
).catch((err) => { console.log('Ignoring benign error : ' + err); return true; })
return resolve(p);
else resolve(false)
return promise;
runconfig.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || runconfig.NODE_ENV || 'development';
@@ -2268,9 +2295,39 @@ var eNotImplemented = function(){

// PB : TODO -- accept additional arg - an array specifying custom configPriority.
var acquireConfig = function(slections){
var configPriority = [ 'clusterNodeInstance', 'ownerInstnace', 'commonInstance' /*, 'genericChessInstance'*/ ]
return any( => { return function() { return configs[cfg](slections) } } ), true, true)
return any( => { return function() { return configs[cfg](slections) } } ), true, true).then(()=>{
return acquireData(slections)

var instanceData = (function(){
return {
clusterNodeInstance(selected) { var clusternodename = 'node01'
return __acquireData(selected, selected.username, clusternodename
, selected.instanceName + '-config-' + selected.node_env + `-${clusternodename}`
, function(e){'Customized node level config not found. This is not an Error. Will attempt with owner level config.');
return e; }
, ownerInstnace(selected) { return __acquireData(selected, selected.username, null, null
, function(e){'Customized user level config not found. This is not an Error. Will attempt global common instance config.');
return e }
// PB : TODO -- Use the ORG level instance before falling back to common Instance coz common instance may not exist for certain orgs.
, commonInstance(selected) { return __acquireData(selected, defaultRepoOwner
// , function(e){'This is probably an error unless the user is asking to create a new instance with this name.') }
) }
, genericChessInstance(selected) { return __acquireData(selected) }

var acquireData = function(slections){
var configPriority = [ 'clusterNodeInstance', 'ownerInstnace', 'commonInstance' /*, 'genericChessInstance'*/ ]
return any( => { return function() { return instanceData[cfg](slections) } } ), true, true)

var __acquireConfig = function (selected, owner, clusternodename, configrepo, errHandler) {
@@ -2360,6 +2417,76 @@ var __acquireConfig = function (selected, owner, clusternodename, configrepo, er

var __acquireData = function (selected, owner, clusternodename, datarepo, errHandler) {

datarepo = datarepo || selected.instanceName + '-config-' + selected.node_env;

var errorHandler = (e) => {
if(e.messages.join(' ').match(new RegExp (`fatal: unable to access '${selectedinstance.reposerver}/${owner}/${datarepo}.git/': Failed to connect to .*? port .*? after .*? ms: Timed out`))){
// console.error('Could not connect to repo server. Timed Out')
return cli.prompt( ['(y)es', '(n)o', '(r)etry'], 'Could not connect to repo server. Timed Out. Would you like to switch server ? (y/n) ', 'y' ).then(propValue => {
if(propValue === 'y') {
reconfirm = getReconfirmAll()
return startElxr()
else if(propValue === 'r'){
return acquireConfig(selected)
else process.exit()

if(e.messages.join(' ').match(new RegExp (`fatal: repository '${selectedinstance.reposerver}/${owner}/${datarepo}.git/' not found`))){
var choices = {
t : `install a new temporary local instance with this name ( will not persist ).
Use your own username for additional options. You can request for a username at )`
, e : 'exit' }

if(selectedinstance.username !== 'guest' && selectedinstance.username !== 'demo') {
choices = utils.assign({
i : 'create a new instance with this name => will fork the default config under your username'
, f : 'fork a new instance with this name for yourself for this node from another instance'
, o : 'fork a new instance with this name for your organization from another instance' // prompt organization name...
, c : 'create a custom config for yourself for this node' // prompt hostname as nodename
, p : 'create a custom config for yourself '
}, choices)

return cli.prompt( choices
, 'Data repo for instance not found. Would you like to ', 'e' ).then(propValue => {
if(propValue === 't') {
selectedinstance.local = true; return createInstanceData(selectedinstance)
if(propValue === 'i') return eNotImplemented()
if(propValue === 'f') return eNotImplemented()
if(propValue === 'o') return eNotImplemented()
if(propValue === 'c') return eNotImplemented() // return createLocalChessInsance(selectedinstance)
if(propValue === 'p') return eNotImplemented() // return createChessInstance(selectedinstance)
// if(propValue === 'o') createChessInstance(selectedinstance, orgname)
else process.exit()
throw e; //('Config acquisition failed.')

var successHandler = () => {


return performPull(datarepo, null, owner, errHandler || errorHandler || ((e)=>{ throw e })).then( successHandler )
.catch( (e)=>{
// if(e){
if(Promise.resolve(e) === e) return e;
throw e; // Not a hard error but we need this for bcontinueonfailure
// }

var launchpath = path.normalize(process.cwd())
var thisscriptdir = path.normalize(__dirname); // PB : TODO -- Thisscriptdir could be dislocated when run as a standalone file... We need to detect this where and how we were run.
// The easisest would be to ask for a target directory and default to current dir....
@@ -2382,16 +2509,31 @@ var __default = ((name, options)=>{
// User can always add more branches and remotes as needed. Mainifest only occupies
// well defined namespaces
var remotes = {
// these are both fetch and push remotes. Use push - remotes to override push.
'chess' : { path : `/chess/`, push : 'no-pushing' }
// these are both fetch and push remotes. Use push - remotes to override push.
'chess' : {
server : `${options.reposerver}`, user : 'chess', path : ``, get url(){ return `${this.server}/${this.user}/${this.path}`} // fetch
, push : 'no-pushing' }
, 'baptistdev-public' : {
server : ``, user : 'baptistdev', path : ``, get url(){ return `${this.server}/${this.user}/${this.path}`} // fetch
, push : 'no-pushing' }

// Multiple urls dont tell us the current origin which may be
// different based on currently available/accessible based on device and client.
// We just treat them as different remotes and merge as needed.
, 'origin' : { path : `/${options.username}/` }
, 'origin-public' : { path : `/${options.username}/` }
, 'origin-unc' : { path : `/${options.username}/` }
, 'origin' : {
server : `${options.reposerver}`, user : '${options.username}', path : ``, get url(){ return `${this.server}/${this.user}/${this.path}`} // fetch
, 'origin-public' : {
server : ``, user : 'chess', path : ``, get url(){ return `${this.server}/${this.user}/${this.path}`} // fetch
, push : {
server : `${options.reposerver}`, user : `${options.username}`, path : ``, get url(){ return `${this.server}/${this.user}/${this.path}`}
, 'origin-unc' : {
server : `//`, user : '${options.username}', path : ``, get url(){ return `${this.server}/${this.user}/${this.path}`} // fetch
// , { `${options.username}` : `${options.username}/elxr.git` }

@@ -2412,21 +2554,24 @@ var __default = ((name, options)=>{
, '' : { users, remotes, external : true }
, '//' : { users, remotes }
, '' : {
// We host a miniaml set of repositories in github.
get users() { return [{ username : `${this.username}` }]}, username : `baptistdev`
, remotes : { get 'baptistdev-public'() { return {path : `/${this.username}/`, push : 'no-pushing'} }
// , Add other remotes here.
, external : true, public : true
// We host a miniaml set of repositories in github.
get users() { return [{ username : `${this.username}` }]}, username : `baptistdev`
, remotes : {
'baptistdev-public' : {
server : ``, user : 'baptistdev', path : ``, get url(){ return `${this.server}/${this.user}/${this.path}`} // fetch
, push : 'no-pushing' }
// , Add other remotes here.
, external : true, public : true
return {
reposervers : Object.keys(reposerverinstances)
, reposerverinstances
reposervers : Object.keys(reposerverinstances)
, reposerverinstances

// Common baseline repos for all chess instances.
, repos : [
{ repo : 'ember-masonry-grid' /*, branch : master*/ } // Default need not be specified.
// Common baseline repos for all chess instances.
, repos : [
{ repo : 'ember-masonry-grid' /*, branch : master*/ } // Default need not be specified.
, { repo : 'bbhverse' }
, { repo : 'clientverse' }
, { repo : 'serververse' }
@@ -2445,20 +2590,6 @@ var __default = ((name, options)=>{
, { repo : 'global-this' }

// PB : TODO -- lighter defaults for lite new instance creation..
, repos: [
{ repo : 'setup' }
, { repo : 'elxr' }
, { repo : 'loopback-connector-mysql' }
, { repo : 'loopback-jsonapi-model-serializer' }
, { repo : 'loopback-component-jsonapi' }
, { repo : 'ember-service-worker' }
, { repo : 'ember-service-worker-asset-cache' }
, { repo : 'ember-service-worker-cache-fallback' }
, { repo : 'ember-service-worker-index' }
, { repo : 'ember-sw-client-route' }

, elevated : [ ]
, exludeMergeRepos : { }
@@ -2718,12 +2849,14 @@ var __interactive_prompts = function( target, choices, promptsfilter ){
, choices : choices['instanceType'], defaultchoice : 'development'}
, reposerver : { label : `Enter Repo Url ( <= ${target.reposerver || ''} ) : `
, choices : choices['reposerver'], defaultchoice : ''}
, username : { label : `Enter User Id for ${target.reposerver} ( <= ${target.username || 'chess'} ) : `
, choices : choices['username'], defaultchoice : 'chess'}
, password : { label : `Enter Password for ${target.username} @ ${target.reposerver} ( <= ${target.password || ''} ) : `
, choices : choices['password'], defaultchoice : '***'}
, email : { label : `Enter Email for ${target.username} @ ${target.reposerver} ( <= ${ || ''} ) : `
, choices : choices['email'], defaultchoice : ''}
, get username() { return { label : `Enter User Id for ${target.reposerver} ( <= ${target.username || 'chess'} ) : `
, choices : choices['username'], defaultchoice : 'chess'} }
, get password() { return { label : `Enter Password for ${target.username} @ ${target.reposerver} ( <= ${target.password || ''} ) : `
, choices : choices['password'], defaultchoice : '***'} }
, get email() { return { label : `Enter Email for ${target.username} @ ${target.reposerver} ( <= ${ || ''} ) : `
, choices : choices['email'], defaultchoice : ''} }


@@ -2950,6 +3083,8 @@ function verifyAndInstallPrerequisites() {
var shell = new ActiveXObject('shell.application');
// alert('launching node privilged. ' + processedArgs['nodepath'])
// shell.ShellExecute('where', 'node', '', '', 10);
// shell.ShellExecute('cmd.exe', '/k notepad.exe', '', 'runas', 1);
// shell.ShellExecute('cmd.exe ', '/k node "' + cargs + '"', '', 'runas', 1);
shell.ShellExecute('node', cargs, '', 'runas', 1);
// shell.ShellExecute(processedArgs['nodepath'], cargs, '', 'runas', 1);
var fso = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
@@ -3140,7 +3275,8 @@ var detection_state = {

const https = require('https')
const http = require('http')
const http = require('http');
const { resolve } = require('path');
const RESTAPI = (function(){

// Singleton
@@ -3334,11 +3470,10 @@ function createInstance(target, source) {
, cwd : instanceroot
, runas: processedArgs.runas
cmdseq = ['git', ['clone', `${args.remotebase}${args.sourcerepo}`, `${args.targetrepo}`], options]

return any( => {
return true
var cmdseq = [
['git', ['clone', `${args.remotebase}${args.sourcerepo}`, `${args.targetrepo}`], options]
return any( => { return true })
else {
@@ -3482,7 +3617,7 @@ var maintask = () => {
if(!__isElevated) {
else {
specifictask = ()=>{ Promise.resolve(true) }
specifictask = ()=>{ return Promise.resolve(true) }
inittasks.push( specifictask().catch((err) => {
