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2 yıl önce
2 yıl önce
2 yıl önce
2 yıl önce
  1. sudo apt update
  2. # Install prerequisites for dev environment
  3. sudo apt install python2
  4. sudo apt install build-essential
  5. sudo apt install -y make
  6. sudo apt install nodejs
  7. sudo apt install npm
  8. sudo apt install git
  9. --
  10. git clone
  11. cd elxr
  12. elxr use elixir
  13. cd ..
  14. elxr i
  15. # Install mysql
  16. sudo apt install mysql-server -y
  17. systemctl is-active mysql
  18. sudo mysql -e "ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password by 'mysql#minA1';"
  19. sudo mysql_secure_installation
  20. sudo mysql -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" -u root -pmysql#minA1
  21. systemctl status mysql.service
  22. # Init DB schema and Load Data
  23. mysql -u root -pmysql#minA1 < cihsr-data/cihsr-dev-schema.sql