ELXR Documentation
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Adding elxr command as alias

1) Open Git Bash
2) Type `code ~/.bashrc`
3) In the opened file add these commands 
    alias elxr="node elxr/index.js"
    alias pullall='branch=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`;for i in `git remote`; do git pull $i $branch; done;'
4) Save the file and close code.
5) In Git Bash type `source ~/.bashrc`
6) To verify elxr command type `elxr` in your git bash window.
7) If you are not getting command not found you are good to go


elxr pull

 Open Git Bash in the directory one level above the repos directory. eg If your folder structure is /e/chess/dev/{{all repos}} Run this command from dev folder.Remember this will be default run path for elxr command
 Type `elxr pull` .This command will pull if exist or clone all the repositories for the chess development.
 Note :- By default this will pull with node_env=development, If you are in a different environment run with appropriate env
 For eg node_env=test elxr pull

elxr npmi

 Open Git Bash and type `elxr npmi` .This command will npm install in all the repos.