wget -q -O - http://git.bbh.org.in/chess/elxr/raw/branch/master/i.lin.sh | bash
Addtional steps For Production
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install nodejs
node -v
sudo apt install npm
1b: Install Git 1c: Clone elxr
elxr use elixir
elxr npm i
1) On the target drive ( D: ) preferably. Create a folder D:\chess\dev 2) For production create D:\chess\ProductionA, D:\chess\ProductionB
save http://git.bbh.org.in/chess/elxr/raw/branch/master/i.win.js to folder. cscript i.win.js
Addtional steps For Production
git clone http://git.bbh.org.in/chess/elxr.git
cd elxr
npm link