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pb 1a6c8d5695 fixed copy 5 天前
Downloads elxr enhancements 1年前
bin Cleanup for stdio 2 年前
linux/centos centos redis installed 1 个月前
trias Updated appserver script 2 年前
.gitignore Added gitignore and switched build 3 年前
9e7bebe0-1f57-11ec-8f88-778ffeea9d1b.js fixed complete third party installs 2 年前
asyncDynamicTaskStream.js elxr cli 5 年前
centosinit.sh Fixed repo problems 5 天前
certbot.lin.sh tools installs 1周前
cliverse.js linux upgrades 1 个月前
elxr.js elxr enhancements 1年前
elxr_linux.js linux upgrades 1 个月前
generatemklink.js elxr enhancements 1年前
gitea.lin.sh tools installs 1周前
i.js elxr enhancements 1年前
i.lin.sh fixed copy 5 天前
i.mysql.centos.sh centos install fixes 1周前
i.sqlexpress.sh linux upgrades 1 个月前
i.win.js linux upgrades 1 个月前
idxbak.js diff 1 个月前
index.js centos install fixes 1周前
index_linux.js linux upgrades 1 个月前
launchwithenv.bat elxr enhancements 1年前
lin_verse.js centos upgrades 1周前
linux.js linux specific changes 3 年前
loopback.linkmodels.sh fixes for cihsr 1周前
mutableProxy.js elxr cli 5 年前
nginx.lin.sh tools installs 1周前
nodeshell.js Elxr refactoring 1 个月前
package.json local mode by default 1 个月前
r.mysql.centos.sh centos install fixes 1周前
readme.md Update 'readme.md' 1 个月前
repo-manifest.js Fixes for linux 1年前
rollup.config.js fixes for launch path 3 年前
sslss.lin.sh tools installs 1周前
test.js elxr cli 5 年前
tests.js elxr cli 5 年前
tooling.sh elxr enhancements 1年前
win32.js linux specific changes 3 年前
win_verse.js linux upgrades 1 个月前


Installing Elixir in Ubuntu


wget -q -O - http://git.bbh.org.in/chess/elxr/raw/branch/master/i.lin.sh | bash

Addtional steps For Production

  1. NODE_ENV=production elxr use elixir
  2. SyncMaster


  • ### Step 1: Install Dependencies
Tested for Ububtu 20.04

1a: Install Node

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install nodejs
node -v
sudo apt install npm

1b: Install Git 1c: Clone elxr

  • Step 2: elxr pull

  • Step 3: Switch branch

    elxr use elixir

  • Step 4: SyncMaster (only for production)

  • Step 5: Pull all instances

    elxr npm i

Installing Elixir in Windows

1) On the target drive ( D: ) preferably. Create a folder D:\chess\dev 2) For production create D:\chess\ProductionA, D:\chess\ProductionB


save http://git.bbh.org.in/chess/elxr/raw/branch/master/i.win.js to folder. cscript i.win.js

Addtional steps For Production

  1. NODE_ENV=production elxr use elixir
  2. SyncMaster


Step 1: Install Dependencies

  • Install Node
  • Install Git
  • Clone elxr
    git clone http://git.bbh.org.in/chess/elxr.git
  • Create elxr alias
    cd elxr
    npm link

Step 2: elxr pull

Step 3: Switch branch

Step 4: SyncMaster (only for production)

Step 5: Pull all instances