Browse Source

Added vmodel generator

pb 2 years ago
1 changed files with 175 additions and 33 deletions
  1. 175

+ 175
- 33
index.js View File

@@ -199,17 +199,131 @@ const dirs = async (perform, path) => {

// PB : TODO -- Should return a bunch of promises to wait for...
var copyrecursive = function(src, dest, perform, args) {
var exists = fs.existsSync(src);
var stats = exists && fs.statSync(src);
var isDirectory = exists && stats.isDirectory();
if (isDirectory) {
dirs( function(childItemName) {
copyrecursive(path.join(src, childItemName),
path.join(dest, childItemName));
}, src )
// fs.readdirSync(src).forEach(function(childItemName) {
// copyrecursive(path.join(src, childItemName),
// path.join(dest, childItemName));
// });
} else {
fs.copyFileSync(src, dest);

// var renamerecursive = function(from, to){
// var exists = fs.existsSync(from);
// var stats = exists && fs.statSync(from);
// var isDirectory = exists && stats.isDirectory();
// if (isDirectory) {
// fs.mkdirSync(to);
// dirs( function(childItemName) {
// renamerecursive(path.join(from, childItemName),
// path.join(to, childItemName));
// }, from )
// // fs.readdirSync(from).forEach(function(childItemName) {
// // copyrecursive(path.join(from, childItemName),
// // path.join(to, childItemName));
// // });
// } else {
// fsrename(from, to);
// }
// }

var regexreplaceall = function(content, strOrregexp, substitutes){
var repmatches
var replaced = content;
while (repmatches = strOrregexp.exec(content)) {

if(content.length > 0) {
var replacement = repmatches[0]
for(var m = 1; m < repmatches.length; m++) {
replacement = replacement.replace(matches[i], substitutes[i-1])
replaced.replace( repmatches[0], replacement )

return replaced

var fsrecurse = function(target, options, actions, root) {
var exists = fs.existsSync(target);
var stats = exists && fs.statSync(target);
var isDirectory = exists && stats.isDirectory();
if (isDirectory) {
dirs( function(childItemName) {
fsrecurse(path.join(target, childItemName)
, options, actions, root);
}, target )
} else {
var prevActionResult = null;
actions.forEach( (action) => prevActionResult = action.apply(null, target, options) )

var fslink = function(target, options){ fs.linkSync( options.from, ) }
var fsrename = function(target, options){
var replaced = target; // PB : TODO -- streaming and async..
options.patternsubstitutions.forEach( ps => { replaced = regexreplaceall( replaced, ps ) })
if(replaced && replaced !== target) fs.renameSync(target, replaced)
return replaced

var fscontentreplace = function( target, options ){
// do many replacements in one shot in the file.
if(options.processingtype === 'inplace' && options.sourcetype === 'filesystem' ) {
var content = fs.readFileSync(target) // PB : TODO -- streaming and async..
options.patternsubstitutions.forEach( ps => { content = regexreplaceall( content, ps ) })
fs.writeFileSync(target, content)

var templatelink = function(target, options){
var targetPath = target.replace(options.workingtarget, options.destinationroot);
var targetPathBaseDir = targetPath.split("/").pop()

var linkTobase = regexreplaceall( target, /(__link__)(__base__)-server-lib/, [ '', options.base] )
var linkFromName = regexreplaceall( target, /(__link____base__-server-lib)/, [ '' ] )
var linkToName = regexreplaceall( linkFromName, new Regexp(targetPathBaseDir), [ linkTobase ] )
if(linkTobase) { // Only if the pattern matches which is link instruction.
// PB : DONT DLELETE EVERYTHING ??? Only the linkable ones... Or use an add strategy without deleting...
fs.unlinkSync( target ); fslink( { from : linkFromName, to : linkToName } )

// Source and Target are files or folders. We need another version or a unifed version for strings..
var processpatterns = function(target, options){
// Accept a set of patterns and substitutions and operate on a target and apply all patterns substitutions.

// options = options || { targettype : 'inplace', sourcetype : 'filesystem' }
// options.source, sourcetype = 'string' | 'filesystem' options.targettype = 'inplace' | 'copy'

if(options.processingtype === 'inplace' && options.sourcetype === 'filesystem' ) {

var templateprocess = function(str, substitutes){
const regex = /__(.*?)__/gm;
// const str = `__link____instance__server-lib__name__`;
let m;
options.patternsubstitutions.forEach( ps => {
// var replacement = regexreplaceall( from, ps.strOrregexp, ps.substitutes )
// if(targetname) { // Porcess all files. Even if file names dont have patterns the content needs to be replaced.
return t => { return t( target, ps ) } )
// }

return str.replace(regex, function(match, key) {
console.log(`Found match, group ${match}: ${key}`);
return substitutes[key] || match;
// return str.replace(regex, function(match, key) {
// console.log(`Found match, group ${match}: ${key}`);
// return substitutes[key] || match;
// })

// while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
// // This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches
@@ -247,26 +361,26 @@ function copyFileSync( source, target , options) {

function copyFolderRecursiveSync( source, target, options ) {
var files = [];
var files = [];

// Check if folder needs to be created or integrated
var targetFolder = path.join( target, path.basename( source ) );
if ( !fs.existsSync( targetFolder ) ) {
fs.mkdirSync( targetFolder );
// Check if folder needs to be created or integrated
var targetFolder = path.join( target, path.basename( source ) );
if ( !fs.existsSync( targetFolder ) ) {
fs.mkdirSync( targetFolder );

// Copy
if ( fs.lstatSync( source ).isDirectory() ) {
files = fs.readdirSync( source );
files.forEach( function ( file ) {
var curSource = path.join( source, file );
if ( fs.lstatSync( curSource ).isDirectory() ) {
copyFolderRecursiveSync( curSource, targetFolder );
} else {
copyFileSync( curSource, targetFolder );
} );
// Copy
if ( fs.lstatSync( source ).isDirectory() ) {
files = fs.readdirSync( source );
files.forEach( function ( file ) {
var curSource = path.join( source, file );
if ( fs.lstatSync( curSource ).isDirectory() ) {
copyFolderRecursiveSync( curSource, targetFolder );
} else {
copyFileSync( curSource, targetFolder );
} );

var getShellTask = (command, args, options) => {
@@ -2025,15 +2139,43 @@ var op = {

, 'vmodel' : ()=>{
var verse = [ '__universe__/vmodel' ]
, 'vmodel' : (options)=>{
options = options || {
generate : processedArgs['all'] ? 'all' : processedArgs['server'] ? 'server' : processedArgs['client'] ? 'client' : null

// console.dir(templateprocess(`__link____instance__server-lib__name__`, { link( ){
// return processed }, instance : 'elixir-', name : 'newmodel' } )
// )
if(!options.generate) return 'Nothing specified for generation'
var name = processedArgs._[2];
if(!name) return 'No name specified for generation'
var templateverse = `${selectedinstance.root}/bbhverse/__universe__/vmodel`
var workingtarget = `${selectedinstance.root}/.elxr/run-${runtimestamp}/temp/vmodelworkingdir`
var destination = `${selectedinstance.root}`

// Create a tmp working copy for staging the changes.
copyrecursive(templateverse, workingtarget)
var patternsubstitutions = [ { strOrregexp : /(__name__)/, substitutes : [name]} ]
var options = { source : templateverse, target : workingtarget, destinationroot : destination, workingtarget
, processingtype : 'inplace', sourcetype : 'filesystem', patternsubstitutions }
fsrecurse( workingtarget, options
, [ function(workingtarget, options){
// A series of tasks to be executed on each pattern in patternsubstitutions.
return [
// PB : TODO -- Contentreplace is better addressed in memory instead of file IO so do all regexps in sequence in one shot and then rename.
(filename, options)=>{ fscontentreplace( filename, options ) }
, (from, options)=>{ fsrename( from, options ) }
].map( t => t(workingtarget, options) )

// Post process links in place.
fsrecurse( workingtarget, options, [ templatelink ] )
// Move to the final destination. Whole tree should move only top level folders are required.
dirs(( child )=>{ return fs.renameSync(path.join(workingtarget, child), path.join(destination, child) ) }, workingtarget )


@@ -3300,7 +3442,7 @@ var __interactive_prompts = function( target, choices, promptsfilter ){
var remotenames = []
Object.entries(target.remotes).forEach( ([rname, r]) => {
if(r.server === reposerver){
// remotes.push(rname)
// PB : TODO -- Sort and display highest priority target.remotes.sort( )
