Przeglądaj źródła

Merge branch 'master' of http://git.bbh/chess/elxr

pb 3 lat temu
5 zmienionych plików z 610 dodań i 17827 usunięć
  1. 4
  2. 0
  3. 170
  4. 436
  5. 0

+ 4
- 2
cliverse.js Wyświetl plik

@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function nodeShellExec() {
child.on('close', (code) => {
console.log('Proper close was fired')
// console.log('Proper close was fired')
var logEntry = { code, success }
if(+code !== 0 || opts.haserrors) { success = false; logEntry = { result: `${opts.title} exited with code ${code}`, success, code }};
if(opts.stdio !== 'ignore') {
@@ -88,9 +88,11 @@ function nodeShellExec() {

var prompt = function(choices, label, defaultchoice){
var choices = choices || [];
return this.prompter.ask(
`${label} \n ` + Object.keys(choices).map(choice => { return ` ${(+choice) + 1}) ${choices[choice]} `}).join('\n') + `\n default ( <= ${ defaultchoice || choices[0]} ) : `
`${label} \n` + Object.keys(choices).map(choice => { return ` ${(+choice) + 1}) ${choices[choice]} `}).join('\n') + `\n default ( <= ${ defaultchoice || choices[0]} ) : `
).then(choice => {
// propName = promptable.interpret(propValue)
if(!choice) return defaultchoice || choices[0];
if(choice && isNaN(+choice)) return choice;
return choices[(+choice) - 1];

+ 0
- 17590
Plik diff jest za duży
Wyświetl plik

+ 170
- 63 Wyświetl plik

@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@

var __Promise = {};
// if(!String.prototype.trim) String.prototype.trim = function(){
// return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// };

// var ovrrides = {
// resolve : function(v){
// if(v && v.then) return v;
@@ -18,8 +22,23 @@ var stampedFilePfx = function(date) {
var runtimestamp = (new Date()).getTime();

var promises = [];
function startPromises(){
// console.log(p.chain)
// promises.splice(0,1)

function isWin(){ return /^win/.test(process.platform) }

__Promise = Promise
var __require = require
var map =
// --------------------------------------------
// Node Exists. Lets launch ourselves in Node itself
@@ -43,10 +62,12 @@ try{
var selectedinstance = { root : path.resolve(".") }
// catch(e){}
// // --------------------------------------------
// // Cscript
var wsh = true;
function isWin(){ return true; }
// If UCase( Right( WScript.FullName, 12 ) ) = "\CSCRIPT.EXE" Then

var clii = {
@@ -248,7 +269,7 @@ catch(e){
var shell = new ActiveXObject('shell.application');
var promises = [];
promises.forEach = forEach
function startPromises(){
@@ -267,6 +288,7 @@ catch(e){
var shellExec = function(cmd, argstr){
var objShell = WScript.createobject("")
// console.log(argstr.join( ' '))
var oExec = objShell.Exec(cmd + ' ' + argstr.join(' '))
var result = {}
var shellresult = { shell : objShell, result : result }
@@ -275,10 +297,10 @@ catch(e){
var WshFinished = 1
var WshFailed = 2
while(oExec.Status === WshRunning){
var strOutput = ''
var strOutput = '\n'
switch(oExec.Status) {
case WshFinished :
strOutput = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll()
@@ -295,28 +317,29 @@ catch(e){
result.result = command + ' ' + cargs + ' exited with code ' + result.code
result.messages = [strOutput]
// console.log(strOutput)
// WScript.Echo(oExec.Status)
// WScript.Echo(oExec.ProcessID)
// WScript.Echo(oExec.ExitCode)

// console.log(objShell.StdOut.ReadAll)
// console.log(objShell.StdErr.ReadAll)

// objShell = WScript.createobject("")
objShell = null;
return shellresult;

var p = null;
var pworker = function(resolve, reject){
// console.dir(p)
var pfx = selectedinstance.root + '/.elxr/run-' + runtimestamp + '/' + stampedFilePfx(new Date())
var pfx = selectedinstance.root + '\\.elxr\\run-' + runtimestamp + '\\' + stampedFilePfx(new Date())
// console.log('p.chain.length ================ ' + p.chain.length)
options = options || {
runFile : path.normalize( pfx + "out.txt")
// runFile : null
var runFile = null;
// var runFile = options.runFile
// var runFile = selectedinstance.root + '\\' + stampedFilePfx(new Date()) + command + cargs + "out.txt";
var runFile = options.runFile || pfx + command + cargs + "out.txt";
// console.log(runFile)
var args = cargs.concat()
// runFile ? (args.push(">"), args.push(runFile)) : cargs
@@ -332,7 +355,14 @@ catch(e){

var runbat = path.normalize(pfx + "run.bat")
// console.log('runbat : ' + runbat)
fs.writeFileSync(runbat, command + ' ' + args.join(' ') + ' \r\n' + 'echo done > ' + runFile )
'@echo off \r\n' +
(options.cwd ? 'cd ' + options.cwd + ' \r\n' : '') +
// ' cmd /k notepad.exe \r\n' +
command + ' ' + args.join(' ') + ' \r\n' +
'cmd /c echo done >> ' + runFile + ' \r\n' +
'echo done'
// fs.writeFileSync(runFile, 'started')
// WScript.Quit()
// elevatedshellexecute(runFile)
@@ -344,50 +374,59 @@ catch(e){
// // cmd /b /c
// }, 500) }

console.log(options.waitmsg || ('awaiting ' + command + ' ' + args.join(' ')))
var shellresult = shellExec( 'cmd', [ '/c', runbat])
// var shellresult = shellExec( 'cmd', ['/c', runbat])
var shellresult = shellExec( command, args)
// var shellresult = shellExec( command, args)
var wrapup = function(result) {
// console.log('Wrapping up')
try {
// console.log('resolving.....................');
// console.log('--------------P' + result.messages.join(' ').trim() +'P--------------')
// if(result.messages.join().trim()) resolve(result)
// else reject(result)
// console.dir(e)
if(e.message === 'Input past end of file') {
// console.log('resolving'); console.dir(result)
// console.log('---------------------------------------')
// console.dir(result)
else {
// console.dir(e)

var waitr = function(){
if(existsSync(runFile)) {
var strOutput = fs.readFileSync(runFile)
shellresult.result.messages = [strOutput]
wait( waitr, 500)
// console.log(wait)
// if(runFile){
// var waitr = function(){
// WScript.StdOut.write('w.')
// if(existsSync(runFile)) {
// var strOutput = fs.readFileSync(runFile)
// shellresult.result.messages = [strOutput]
// wrapup(shellresult.result)
// fs.unlinkSync(runFile)
// }
// // console.dir(shellresult.result)
// wait( waitr, 500)
// }
// // console.log(wait)
wait( waitr, 500)
else {
// wait( waitr, 500)
// }
// else {
// console.log('There is no runfile.')
// console.log(shellresult.strOutput)
// }
p = new Promise(pworker)
// promises.push(p)
@@ -547,7 +586,7 @@ function createPromiseClass(overrides) {
return p;
, pcatch : function(catchfn) {
, 'catch' : function(catchfn) {
catchfn.isCatch = true
return p;
@@ -578,8 +617,6 @@ function createPromiseClass(overrides) {
, resolve : resolve
, processchain : processchain

p['catch'] = p['pcatch']
p.chain.forEach = forEach;
return p;
@@ -727,13 +764,10 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
var runFile = path.normalize(selectedinstance.root + '/.elxr/run-' + runtimestamp + '/' + stampedFilePfx(new Date()) + 'where' + command + "out.txt");
var p = nodeShellExec.apply(null, ['cmd', ['/c', 'where', command], { runFile : runFile } ])
p.runFile = runFile;
var catchr = 'catch'
// console.log(p['catch'])
if(p['catch']) { catchr = 'catch' } else { catchr = 'pcatch';}
if (options.ignorefailures) {
return p.then(function(v) {
// WScript.Echo('firstThen ' + v);
return v })[catchr]( function(e) {
return v })['catch']( function(e) {
// Ignore. Not a major error if where command fails !!!
throw e;
@@ -800,6 +834,26 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
// return decision
// }

// prereq definition helpers. We can't do proper inheritance in cscript. So fallback to global functions.
function exists(next){
var self = this;
console.log('checking existence of ' + self.shellcmd)
return getTaskCheckExists(self.shellcmd, { ignorefailures: true })().then(function(exists) {
// console.log('-------------exists=======================')
// console.dir(exists)
// console.log(exists + ' ' + self.shellcmd + ' exists')
if(exists && exists.messages.join(' ').indexOf(self.shellcmd) > -1 ) {
return true;
else return false
// console.log('-------------exists catch=======================')
return false;

var prerequisites = [
shellcmd: 'git',
@@ -847,7 +901,7 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
var self = this;
console.log('Git Installsteps called')
var ifns = [self.installcmd] = map;
if(! = map;
return any(['catch'](function(e){
if(e.code === 1602) {
console.warn("Installation was probably cancelled.")
@@ -879,7 +933,7 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
, ['git', ['config', '--global', '--add', '', gitEmail]]
] = map;
if(! = map;
return any({

@@ -897,17 +951,7 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
else return self.install();
, exists : function(next){
var self = this;
return getTaskCheckExists(self.shellcmd, { ignorefailures: true })().then(function(exists) {
// console.dir(exists)
// console.log(exists + ' git exists')
if(exists && exists.messages.join(' ').indexOf(self.shellcmd) > -1 ) {
return true;
else return false
, exists : exists
, getUser : function(repo, onNoResult){
@@ -916,7 +960,7 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
if(!repo) globalOrLocal = '--global';
else globalOrLocal = '--local'
var fns = [['git', ['config', globalOrLocal, '--get-all', '']]] = map;
if(! = map;
return any({
// not yet configured.
if(!result.success) return onNoResult()
@@ -930,7 +974,7 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
else return users[0]; // PB : TODO == We should probably prompt with all the users available for selection !
return onNoResult()
@@ -947,7 +991,7 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
, install : function() {
var self = this;
var ifns = [self.installcmd] = map;
if(! = map;
return any(['catch'](function(e){
if(e.code === 1602) {
console.warn("Installation was probably cancelled.")
@@ -956,19 +1000,7 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
, exists : function(next){
var self = this;
return getTaskCheckExists(self.shellcmd, { ignorefailures: true })().then(function(exists) {
// console.log(self.shellcmd + ' ' + exists + ' node exists')
if(exists && exists.messages.join(' ').indexOf(self.shellcmd) > -1 ) {
return true
else {
// console.log(self.shellcmd + ' ' + exists + ' node doesnt exist')
return false
, exists : exists
, preinstallsteps: function() {
var self = this;
console.log('Node preinstall steps')
@@ -991,6 +1023,81 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
// return any([any(steps), any(prompts)])
shellcmd: 'elxr'
, installcmd: [ isWin() ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm' , ['link'], { cwd : selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr' /* cwd should be the cloned dir*/}]
, preinstallsteps: function() {
var self = this;
console.log('Elxr preinstall steps')

var steps = [];
console.log('Elxr PreInstallsteps called')
var ifns = [ ['git', ['clone', 'http://git.bbh/chess\\elxr'] ] ]
if(existsSyncFolder( selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr')) {
if(existsSyncFolder( selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr\\.git')) {
// PB : TODO -- use a elxr guid signature to detect more reliably folders named the same that is not us.
ifns = [ ['git', ['pull'], { cwd : selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr' } ] ]
else {
throw 'elxr subfolder not recognized as a git repository. Please cleanup and continue.'
else console.log(selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr' + ' NOT FOUND ')
if(! = map;
return any(['catch'](function(e){
if(e.code === 1602) {
console.warn("Installation was probably cancelled.")
else throw e
return any([any(steps)])
, installsteps: function () {
var self = this;
console.log('Elxr Installsteps called')
var ifns = [self.installcmd]
if(! = map;
return any(['catch'](function(e){
if(e.code === 1602) {
console.warn("Installation was probably cancelled.")
else throw e
, install: function () {
var self = this;
console.log('Elxr Install called')
return any([ /*self.preinstallsteps,*/ function(){ return self.installsteps() } ])
// , exists : function(){
// console.log('Elxr PreInstallsteps called')
// var ifns = [ ['git', ['clone', 'http://git.bbh/chess\\elxr'] ] ]
// if(existsSyncFolder( selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr')) {
// if(existsSyncFolder( selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr\\.git')) {
// // PB : TODO -- use a elxr guid signature to detect more reliably folders named the same that is not us.
// ifns = [ ['git', ['pull'], { cwd : selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr' } ] ]
// }
// else {
// throw 'elxr subfolder not recognized as a git repository. Please cleanup and continue.'
// }
// }
// else console.log(selectedinstance.root + '\\elxr' + ' NOT FOUND ')
// if(! = map;
// return any(['catch'](function(e){
// if(e.code === 1602) {
// console.warn("Installation was probably cancelled.")
// }
// else throw e
// })
// }
, exists : exists

if(!prerequisites.forEach) prerequisites.forEach = forEach;
@@ -1000,6 +1107,6 @@ function __main( selectedinstance ){
// , downloadsdir + '/' + 'Git-']).start()

if(wsh) startPromises();

+ 436
- 168
index.js Wyświetl plik

@@ -10,10 +10,13 @@ var nodeShellExec = cli.nodeShellExec;
var chalk = require('chalk')

const __ALIAS__STAMP__ = '9e7bebe0-1f57-11ec-8f88-778ffeea9d1b'
const BUILD_VERSION = '[VI]Version: {version} - built on {date}[/VI]';
const runtimestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
function getVersion() { return BUILD_VERSION; }

// 'use strict';

@@ -27,7 +30,29 @@ console.log(getVersion())
// support runas lauched directly from shell.
// pass in environment in hta to shellexecute.

// PB : NOTE -- iife doesnt work if previous statement is not terminated by ;
(function () {
"use strict";
if (!Array.prototype.earlyreduce) {
Array.prototype.earlyreduce = function(eachcallback, initialValue, donecallback){
var iterable = this;
var donecallback = donecallback || (a=>a)
var result = { value : initialValue === undefined ? iterable[0] : initialValue };
initialValue === undefined ? null : result = eachcallback(result, element, i, iterable);
// function *earlyReduceGenerator(acc, v, i, a) {
for(var i = initialValue === undefined ? 0 : 1; i < iterable.length; i++){
var element = iterable[i]
result = eachcallback(result, element, i, iterable)
if(result.done) return donecallback(result)
// }
return donecallback(result)

const { existsSync } = require('fs');
const existsFolderSync = existsSync;
const fs = require('fs')

const cliargs = utils.cliargs;
@@ -40,6 +65,14 @@ console.dir(processedArgs)
// }
// })

var clioverrides = { }
processedArgs._[1] ? clioverrides.instanceName = processedArgs._[1]: null;
processedArgs.node_env ? clioverrides.node_env = processedArgs.node_env
: (process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV.trim())
? clioverrides.node_env = (process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV.trim()) : null;

Object.keys(clioverrides).forEach( prop => { })

var globSync = require('glob').sync;

var ENV = Object.assign({}, process.env); // Shallow clone it.
@@ -55,10 +88,11 @@ const dirs = async (perform, path) => {

var getShellTask = (command, args, options) => {
options = options || {}
var callshell = command === 'rm' ? callgitbashtask : callsheltask;
return () => {
var p = nodeShellExec.apply(null, [command, args, Object.assign({
inherit: true, shell: true, env: ENV, title: `${command} ${args}`
}, options)
var p = callshell( [command, args, Object.assign({
inherit: true, shell: true, env: ENV, title: `${command} ${args}`
}, options)
if (options.ignorefailures) {
return p.catch(e => {
@@ -69,12 +103,12 @@ var getShellTask = (command, args, options) => {

var callsheltask = (args) => { return () => { return nodeShellExec.apply(null, args) } }
var callsheltask = (args) => {
return args[0] === 'rm' ? callgitbashtask(args) : () => { return nodeShellExec.apply(null, args) } }
var callgitbashtask = (args) => { return () => {
return nodeShellExec( `"${gitbash}"`, ['-c', `"${args[0]} ${args[1].join(' ')}"`], args[2]) }

var getTaskCheckExists = (command, options) => {
options = options || {}
return () => {
@@ -1117,12 +1151,12 @@ var op = {
// () => {
// console.log(`--rm package-lock.json for ${repodef.repo}--------------------`)
// return nodeShellExec(`"${gitbash}"`, ['-c', '"rm package-lock.json"'], {
nodeShellExec('rm', ['package-lock.json'], {
(callShellTask(['rm', ['package-lock.json'], {
inherit: true, shell: true
, cwd: instanceroot + '/' + repodef.repo
, env: process.env
, title: `rm 'package-lock.json' for ${repodef.repo}`
console.log(`--rm package-lock.json for ${repodef.repo}--------------------`)
}).catch((e) => { console.error(e) })
@@ -1963,6 +1997,7 @@ var acquireConfig = function (selected) {
selectedinstance.elevated ={ return { repo } })
chessinstances[selected.instanceName][selected.node_env] = selectedinstance = utils.assign(selected, selectedinstance)
chessinstances[selected.instanceName][selected.node_env].reposervers = Array.from(new Set(chessinstances[selected.instanceName][selected.node_env].reposervers))
selectedinstance.reposerver = selectedinstance.reposerver || selectedinstance.reposervers[0] // PB : TODO -- Attempt first one that is available and online...
ENV.NODE_ENV = selectedinstance.node_env;
@@ -1973,65 +2008,27 @@ var acquireConfig = function (selected) {

var launchpath = process.cwd().replace(/\\/, '/')
var thisscriptdir = __dirname
var instanceroot = launchpath;
var detectInstance = function () {
console.log(`launchpath = ${launchpath}`)
console.log(`thisscriptdir = ${thisscriptdir}`)

var root = launchpath;
var launchpath = path.normalize(process.cwd())
var thisscriptdir = path.normalize(__dirname); // PB : TODO -- Thisscriptdir could be dislocated when run as a standalone file... We need to detect this where and how we were run.
// The easisest would be to ask for a target directory and default to current dir....
var instanceroot = path.normalize(thisscriptdir) === path.normalize(launchpath) ? path.normalize(thisscriptdir + '/..') : launchpath ;

// We need a reference to the root director for elxr cli to be properly oriented.
if ((launchpath + path.normalize('/elxr')) === thisscriptdir) {
// We ran unbuilt from the proper root with elxr subfolder.
console.log(`Instance Path : ${root}`)
else {
if (launchpath === thisscriptdir) {
// Same directory doesn't mean we are being run from elxr directory or the root directory.
// It could be a standalone elxr build which may or maynot be in the proper location.
if (BUILD_VERSION.indexOf('Version: {version} - built on {date}') > -1) {
// Unbuilt therefore we are in the elxr directory.
root = path.normalize(launchpath + '/..');
else {
// Built version.
// check if we have a elxr subfolder.
if (fs.existsSync(launchpath + '/..' + path.normalize('/elxr'))) {
// Probably in the right place.
root = path.normalize(launchpath + '/..');
else {
// Assume launchpath is meaningless.
// Figure it out from the input instance name and environment parameters if we are in the right location.
root = path.normalize(launchpath + '/' + processedArgs._[1] + '/' + processedArgs.node_env)
instanceroot = root.replace(/\\/, '/');
__default.root = root;
return Promise.resolve(__default);

var __default = {

// Default is public server only.
// All public repos are by default available.
reposervers: ['']
, repos: [
, 'elxr'
, 'loopback-connector-mysql'
, 'loopback-jsonapi-model-serializer'
, 'loopback-component-jsonapi'
, 'ember-service-worker'
, 'ember-service-worker-asset-cache'
, 'ember-service-worker-cache-fallback'
, 'ember-service-worker-index'
, 'ember-sw-client-route'
{ repo : 'setup' }
, { repo : 'elxr' }
, { repo : 'loopback-connector-mysql' }
, { repo : 'loopback-jsonapi-model-serializer' }
, { repo : 'loopback-component-jsonapi' }
, { repo : 'ember-service-worker' }
, { repo : 'ember-service-worker-asset-cache' }
, { repo : 'ember-service-worker-cache-fallback' }
, { repo : 'ember-service-worker-index' }
, { repo : 'ember-sw-client-route' }

, elevated: []
@@ -2041,29 +2038,214 @@ var __default = {
, node_env: 'development'

var __interactve_promts = {
get reposerver(){
return cli.prompt(this.reposervers, 'git default repo').then(reposerver => {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'reposerver', {
value: reposerver,
writable: false,
configurable : true,
enumerable : true
return reposerver
, set reposerver(reposerver){
Object.defineProperty(this, 'reposerver', {
value: reposerver,
writable: false,
configurable : true,
enumerable : true
return reposerver
var hasElxr = function(path, options, cb) {
// PB : TOOD -- Navigate up the folder chain to discover the relevant .elxr directory.
options = options || {};

var tasks = [
'/elxr' // Is there a subfolder named elxr
, '/elxr/.git' // which is self git repository
, '/elxr/.elxr' // and has .elxr subfolder
, '/elxr/.elxr/' + __ALIAS__STAMP__ // Which has our stamp.

if(options.sync) { return tasks.earlyreduce((acc, tpath)=>{
var value = existsFolderSync(path + tpath);
return { value, done : acc && !value };
}).value }

if(cb) return cb(null, tasks.earlyreduce((acc, tpath)=>{
var value = existsFolderSync(path + tpath);
return { value, done : acc && !value };
}).value );
return Promise.resolve(tasks.earlyreduce((acc, tpath)=>{
var value = existsFolderSync(path + tpath);
return { value, done : acc && !value };

var hasElxrSync = function(path){ return hasElxr(path, { sync :true}); }

var detectfromroot = function(root){
return { root, node_env : path.basename(root), instanceName : path.basename( path.dirname(root) ) }
var detectinstances = function () {
console.log(`launchpath = ${launchpath}`)
console.log(`thisscriptdir = ${thisscriptdir}`)

// PB : TODO -- !Postpone this.
console.log(`instanceroot = ${instanceroot}`) // Not yet confirmed...

// Note : Paths should already be normalized fefore this.

var root = instanceroot;
var detected = { root };
var instanceoptions = [clioverrides]

return hasElxr(launchpath).then( (elxrCliExists) => {

// We need a reference to the root director for elxr cli to be properly oriented.
if (( elxrCliExists && path.normalize(launchpath + '/elxr')) === thisscriptdir) {
// We were run from the proper root with elxr cli in the subfolder.
instanceroot = root = launchpath;
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
else {
if(path.normalize(launchpath + '/elxr') === thisscriptdir) {
// elxrCliExists is false -- and yet thiscriptdir is still proper.
// PB : TODO -- Maybe a warning / abort if for some reason this scriptdir should not be taken over...
console.error('Warning : detected thisscriptdir as elxr subfolder but not recognized as elixir. git updates might fail.')
instanceroot = root = launchpath;
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
else if (launchpath === thisscriptdir) {
var parentHasElxr = hasElxrSync(launchpath + '/..')
// PB : TODO -- verify if we have .elxr folder in the parent...
if(!parentHasElxr) {
// ! thisscriptdir is not elxr.
console.error('Invalid run location in subfolder that looks like elxr. We should probably abort as elxr will not sync.')

// Same directory doesn't mean we are being run from elxr sub directory.
// In standalone build script we may or not be in the same location.
if (BUILD_VERSION.indexOf('Version: {version} - built on {date}') > -1) {
// Unbuilt therefore we are in the elxr sub directory.

instanceroot = root = path.normalize(launchpath + '/..');
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root });
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root));
else {
// Built version.
// We could have been run from the elxr subfolder. Highly likely that the built version isn't the full elxr.
if(parentHasElxr) {
// Built version was run from the full elxr subfolder. Should work
// PB : TODO -- but we should switch to the full version...
instanceroot = root = path.normalize(launchpath + '/..');
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
else {
instanceroot = root = launchpath;
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
// Assume current launchpath is a new instance and create.
// Figure out the instnace name and environment from parent folders as an alternative option with confirmation if not provided in the arguments.

// if(clioverrides.instanceName) {
// if(clioverrides.node_env) {
// instanceroot = root = path.normalize(launchpath + '/' + clioverrides.instanceName + '/' + clioverrides.node_env)
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, instanceName : clioverrides.instanceName, node_env : clioverrides.node_env })
// // instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root)) // This can be an option but is unnecessary unless a confirmation is provided.
// // also folder names may have no relation to the actual instanceName and instanceType coz we need to have many
// // eg : floder name can be elixir01 but instance name is elixr
// }
// else {
// instanceroot = root = path.normalize(launchpath + '/' + clioverrides.instanceName + '/' + 'development')
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, instanceName : clioverrides.instanceName, node_env : 'development' })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root)) // A recessive option only.
// }
// }
// else {
// instanceroot = root = launchpath;
// if(clioverrides.node_env) {
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, node_env : clioverrides.node_env })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
// }
// else {
// // Nothing was specified... We only have one option from root.
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = detectfromroot(launcpath))
// }
// }
else {
if(elxrCliExists) {
instanceroot = root = launchpath;
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
instanceroot = detected.root
__default.root = root;
clioverrides.root = clioverrides.root || root;
// Resolves empty array when No known instances detected.
return Promise.resolve(instanceoptions)


var __interactve_promts = function( target ){

return {
runchoice : {
label :
`Choose an option :
d) Install the default chess instance.
=> elxr i chess node_env=development --default
n) Create your custom new instance interactively
=> elxr i {{instanceName}} node_env={{environment}}
i) Choose an instance and environment to install
=> elxr i {{instanceName}} node_env={{environment}}
c) Choose a command to run ( pull, use, i, npmi ... ) <= pull
=> elxr {{cmd}} {{instanceName}} node_env={{environment}}
h) Help
q) Quit
: `
, choices : []
, defaultchoice : 'c'
, interpret : function(choice){
var interpret_map = {
d : function(){
processedArgs._[0] = 'i'
target.instanceName = processedArgs._[1] = processedArgs._[1] || 'chess'
target.node_env = processedArgs.node_env = (process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV.trim()) || processedArgs.node_env || 'development'
target.reposerver = ''
, n : function() { processedArgs._[0] = 'i' }
, i : function() { processedArgs._[0] = 'i' }
, c : async function() {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'cmd', getPromptableAsyncPropDescriptor('cmd', {
label : `Enter cmd :
p) pull
Default <= p
: `
, defaultchoice : 'pull'

var cmd = await target['cmd'];
if (!cmd || cmd === 'p') { target['cmd'] = processedArgs._[0] = 'pull' }
else target['cmd'] = processedArgs._[0] = cmd
return cmd;
, h : function() { console.log(; process.exit() } // PB : TODO -- Why do we need log.
, q : function() { process.exit() }
var __interpreter = interpret_map['c']
// if(!choice) return interpret_map['c']() // This should not happen prompter should always give us a default choice.
if(interpret_map[choice]) __interpreter = interpret_map[choice];
, instanceName : { label : `Enter Instance Name ( <= ${target.instanceName || 'chess'} ) : `, choices : [], defaultchoice : 'chess'}
, instanceType : { label : `Enter Instance Type ( <= ${target.instanceType || 'development'} ) : `, choices : [], defaultchoice : 'development'}
, reposerver : { label : `Enter Instance Name ( <= ${target.reposerver || ''} ) : `, choices : [], defaultchoice : ''}

var downloadsdir = '../Downloads';
var prerequisites = [
@@ -2299,64 +2481,143 @@ function verifyAndInstallPrerequisites() {
return Promise.all(downloadtasks).then(() => { return any(installtasks) })

var getPromptableAsyncPropDescriptor = function(propName, choices, defaultchoise){
var getPromptableAsyncPropDescriptor = function(propName, promptable){
return {
get (){
return cli.prompt( choices, propName, defaultchoise).then(propValue => {
Object.defineProperty(this, propName, {
value: propValue,
writable: false,
configurable : true,
enumerable : true
return propValue
return cli.prompt( promptable.choices, promptable.label, promptable.defaultchoice ).then(propValue => {
return propName = promptable.interpret(propValue).then(
Object.defineProperty(this, propName, {
value: propValue,
writable: true,
configurable : true,
enumerable : true
return propValue
else return propValue
// , set (propValue){
// Object.defineProperty(this, propName, {
// value: propValue,
// writable: false,
// configurable : true,
// enumerable : true
// })
// return propValue;
// }
, set (propValue){
Object.defineProperty(this, propName, {
value: propValue,
writable: true, // PB : TODO -- Use this to fix value permanently until run is over.
configurable : true,
enumerable : true
return propValue;
, configurable : true
, enumerable : true

function acquirelocalinstances(selected){
// utils.assign is used to cleanup duplicates...
var chessinstances = utils.assign(require(path.normalize(selected.root + '/chessinstances.js')));
return chessinstances

function findlocalinstances(chessinstances, instanceoptions){
// We can expect a .elxr at each level.
['' /* instanceroot */, '../' /* instanceTypes or node_env */, '../..' /* instanceNames */].
earlyreduce( ( value, p, i, a )=>{
var localinstancesPath = `${instanceroot}/${p}.elxr`;
if(existsSync( localinstancesPath )) {
try {
var chessinstances = acquirelocalinstances( { localinstancesPath } )
return Object.keys(chessinstances).earlyreduce( ( value, instanceName) => {
return Object.keys(chessinstances[instanceName]).earlyreduce( (value, instanceType) => {
if( path.normalize(chessinstances[instanceName][instanceType].root) === path.normalize( instanceroot) ) {
instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, chessinstances[instanceName][instanceType])
return {
value : chessinstances[instanceName][instanceType]
, done : true
return { }
else return { }

// function updateselection(selected) { selectedinstance = utils.assign(selectedinstance, selected) }
var selectedinstance = null;
var chessinstances = { current_run : {} };
var promptkeys = {
// Try not to prompt anything unless absolutely necessary or reconfirm is forced.
// 'instanceName' : true
// , 'node_env' : true

function createChessInsance( cfg ){
var inst = {};
var __new = Object.assign({}, __default, cfg)
inst[cfg.node_env] = __new; return inst;

acquireElevationState().then(() => {
var skipprerequisites = false;
var clioverrides = { }
function initinstances(selected) {
// PB : TODO -- processedArgs should already be part of selected.
var instanceName = processedArgs._[1] = processedArgs._[1] || chessinstances.current_run.instanceName || selected.instanceName;
var node_env = processedArgs.node_env = processedArgs.node_env || chessinstances.current_run.node_env || selected.node_env;
chessinstances[instanceName] = chessinstances[instanceName] || {}
chessinstances[instanceName][node_env] = chessinstances[instanceName][node_env] || selected;
chessinstances['current_run'] = chessinstances[instanceName][selected.node_env] ?
{ instanceName: instanceName, node_env: node_env } : (chessinstances['current_run'] || { instanceName: instanceName, node_env: node_env })
var instanceName = processedArgs._[1]
|| chessinstances.current_run.instanceName
|| selected.instanceName
|| clioverrides.instanceName;
var node_env = processedArgs.node_env
|| chessinstances.current_run.node_env
|| selected.node_env
|| clioverrides.node_env;
if(!instanceName) {
promptkeys['instanceName'] = instanceName = chessinstances.current_run.instanceName = promptkeys['instanceName'] || __default.instanceName;
promptkeys['node_env'] = node_env = chessinstances.current_run.node_env = promptkeys['node_env'] || __default.node_env;
promptkeys['reposerver'] = promptkeys['reposerver'] || __default.reposervers[0];
if(!node_env) {
promptkeys['node_env'] = node_env = chessinstances.current_run.node_env = promptkeys['node_env'] || __default.node_env;
promptkeys['reposerver'] = promptkeys['reposerver'] || __default.reposervers[0];

// chessinstances[chessinstances.current_run.instanceName] = chessinstances[chessinstances.current_run.instanceName] || {}
chessinstances[instanceName] = chessinstances[instanceName] || createChessInsance( {
instanceName, node_env, root : selected.root, reposerver : promptkeys['reposerver'] } );
chessinstances['current_run'] = { instanceName: instanceName, node_env: node_env }

if(path.normalize(selected.root) !== path.normalize(chessinstances[instanceName][node_env].root)) {
throw "Mismatched chessinstances config found " + chessinstances[instanceName][node_env].root + ' does not match ' + selected.root
// Override sequence.
// __default, chessinstances[current_run], instanceName-config-development, cliargs, interactve_promts
selectedinstance = Object.assign(
selectedinstance = utils.assign(
, chessinstances[instanceName][node_env]
, clioverrides
// , __interactve_promts -- Cant just override. Also need selectedinstance to be ready...

chessinstances[instanceName] = chessinstances[instanceName] || {}
chessinstances[instanceName][node_env] = chessinstances[instanceName][node_env] || {}
// chessinstances[instanceName] = chessinstances[instanceName] || {}
// chessinstances[instanceName][node_env] = chessinstances[instanceName][node_env] || {}
// if(!selectedinstance.repos || selectedinstance.instanceName) {
// // Brand New.
// selectedinstance = Object.assign( __default, selectedinstance )
// }
if(!selectedinstance.repos[0].repo) {
console.warn('repo manifest has obsolete format. Attempting upgrade.')
selectedinstance.repos ={ return { repo } })
@@ -2376,12 +2637,7 @@ acquireElevationState().then(() => {

return chessinstances
function acquirelocalinstances(selected){
var chessinstances = utils.assign(require(path.normalize(selected.root + '/chessinstances.js')));
return chessinstances

var noprerequisites = {
add : true, 'set-url' : true, 'repo-relocate' : true
, remote : true
@@ -2428,94 +2684,106 @@ acquireElevationState().then(() => {
return elxrworker()

return detectInstance().then((detectedInstance)=>{

processedArgs._[1] ? clioverrides.instanceName = processedArgs._[1]: null;
processedArgs.node_env ? clioverrides.node_env = (process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV.trim()) || processedArgs.node_env
: (process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV.trim()) ? clioverrides.node_env = (process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV.trim()): null;
clioverrides.reconfirm = processedArgs.reconfirm
selectedinstance = Object.assign(detectedInstance, clioverrides);
var todo = Promise.resolve(true);
var promptkeys = { 'instanceName' : processedArgs._[1] }
return detectinstances().then((detectedinstanceoptions)=>{

var getchoices = function(){
detectedinstanceoptions.splice(0,0, __default)

var instances = []
var reposervers = [];
var instnaceNames = []
var instanceTypes = ['development', 'production'];
Object.keys( chessinstances).forEach(instanceName => {
if(instanceName === 'current_run') return;
Object.keys( chessinstances[instanceName] ).forEach(node_env=>{
var instance = chessinstances[instanceName][node_env];
reposervers = reposervers.concat(instance.reposervers)
if(instance.reposerver) reposervers.push(instance.reposerver)
instances = instances.concat(detectedinstanceoptions)

if(clioverrides.reconfirm) {
var reconfirm = {
'instanceName' : selectedinstance['instanceName'] === 'chess'
if(promptkeys['instanceName']) instnaceNames.push(selectedinstance['instanceName'])
if(promptkeys['instanceName']) instnaceNames.push(promptkeys['instanceName'])
if(selectedinstance['reposervers']) reposervers = reposervers.concat(selectedinstance['reposervers'])
var choices = {
'instanceName' : Array.from( new Set(instnaceNames) )
, 'reposerver' : Array.from( new Set(reposervers) )
, 'instanceType' : Array.from( new Set(instanceTypes) )

return choices;
else {
var reconfirm = {};

// PB : TODO -- Most recent should be at the tip ! at index 0 so utils.reverseassign is required !!!
selectedinstance = utils.assign( ...detectedinstanceoptions.slice(-2) )
promptkeys = utils.assign(promptkeys, clioverrides)
if(clioverrides.reconfirm) {
var reconfirm = { 'instanceName' : selectedinstance['instanceName'] === 'chess' }
else { var reconfirm = {}; }
var prompts = [];

var eachPrompt = function(k, i, a){
// No local instances config found. We use a default initialized instance available in selectedinstance
// Confirm those that were not supplied as user choices in runtime args and proceed to reattempt.
if(promptkeys[k] && selectedinstance[k] !== promptkeys[k] || promptkeys[k] === undefined && selectedinstance[k] === undefined
// PB : TODO -- selectedinstance === __default check to prompt everything...
if( (promptkeys[k] !== undefined && promptkeys[k] !== null) && selectedinstance[k] !== promptkeys[k]
|| (promptkeys[k] === undefined || promptkeys[k] === null) && (selectedinstance[k] === undefined || selectedinstance[k] === null)
|| reconfirm[k]) {
prompts.push(async ()=>{
// PB : NOTE -- Important in async cases when this needs to be in the same state as when it was invoked.
// We take a snapshot... Shallow.. !! If required deep should be used based on use case.
// If latest altered state is required we can reerence this directly.
// var asyncthis = Object.assign(this);
Object.defineProperty(selectedinstance, k, getPromptableAsyncPropDescriptor(k, choices[k], promptkeys[k] || selectedinstance[k] ));
promptables[k].choices = choices[k]
Object.defineProperty(selectedinstance, k, getPromptableAsyncPropDescriptor(k, promptables[k]));
return await selectedinstance[k]
delete promptkeys[k]
try {

chessinstances = acquirelocalinstances(selectedinstance);
var instanceNameChoices = new Set(Object.keys( chessinstances) )
if(promptkeys['instanceName']) instanceNameChoices.add(promptkeys['instanceName'])
var choices = {
'instanceName' : Array.from(instanceNameChoices)
, 'reposerver' : selectedinstance['reposervers']
findlocalinstances(chessinstances, detectedinstanceoptions)
var choices = getchoices()

Object.keys(__interactve_promts).forEach(eachPrompt, __interactve_promts)
Object.keys(promptkeys).forEach(eachPrompt, promptkeys)
var promptables = __interactve_promts(selectedinstance)
Object.keys(promptables).forEach(eachPrompt, selectedinstance)
todo = any(prompts).then(()=>{ return selectedinstance })
var todo = Promise.resolve(true);

todo = any(prompts).then(()=>{
return initinstances(selectedinstance)
catch (e) {
console.error(e) // Missing chessinstances is not an error...
var instanceNameChoices = new Set(Object.keys( chessinstances) )
if(promptkeys['instanceName']) instanceNameChoices.add(promptkeys['instanceName'])
var choices = {
'instanceName' : Array.from(instanceNameChoices)
, 'reposerver' : selectedinstance['reposervers']
Object.keys(__interactve_promts).forEach(eachPrompt, __interactve_promts)
Object.keys(promptkeys).forEach(eachPrompt, promptkeys)
// PB : TODO -- verbose mode warning.. console.warn(e) // Missing chessinstances is not an error...
var choices = getchoices()

var promptables = __interactve_promts(selectedinstance)
Object.keys(promptables).forEach(eachPrompt, selectedinstance)
todo = any(prompts).then(()=>{ return selectedinstance })
todo = any(prompts).then(()=>{ return initinstances(selectedinstance) })
if(!processedArgs._[0] || !selectedinstance.node_env || !selectedinstance.instanceName){
// Weve been told what to do.
// Weve not been told what to do.
todo = todo.then(() => { return acquireChoices(selectedinstance) })
todo = todo.then(() => {
try {
chessinstances = acquirelocalinstances(selectedinstance)
findlocalinstances(chessinstances, detectedinstanceoptions)
detectedinstanceoptions.splice(0,0, __default)
catch (e) {
@@ -2536,7 +2804,7 @@ acquireElevationState().then(() => {

if(!__isElevated) {
// collect garbage
return dirs( (dir)=>{
var matches = /run-(.*)/gm.exec(

+ 0
- 4
rollup.config.js Wyświetl plik

@@ -21,7 +21,3 @@ export default {
// exclude : [ 'chessinstances.js' ]
}), nodeResolve(), versionInjector()]

// Dr Kamat
// Rahul Roji
// 06259
