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Added sqlpreprocess function

pb 1 year ago
1 changed files with 186 additions and 110 deletions
  1. 186

+ 186
- 110
index.js View File

@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ const https = require('https')
const http = require('http');
const { Console } = require('console');
const { env } = require('process');
const PATTERNAPI = require('serververse').PATTERNAPI
// const RESTAPI = require('serververse').RESTAPI
const RESTAPI = (function(){

// Singleton
@@ -322,116 +324,147 @@ shell_verse.acquireElevationState().then((isElevated) => {

var hasElxrSync = function(path){ return hasElxr(path, { sync :true}); }

var uselauncdirasdefaultroot = false;
if( ENV.NODE_ENV === 'production') uselauncdirasdefaultroot = true;
// PB : TODO -- enable for for production.
var thisscriptdir = path.normalize(__dirname); // PB : TODO -- Thisscriptdir could be dislocated when run as a standalone file... We need to detect this where and how
var root = process.cwd() // Root need not be the launchdir...
var root = undefined // process.cwd() // Root need not be the launchdir...
// we typicall assume the cwd to be the root. However this should default to
// elxr parent if the root is not recongnizable as an instance root....
// wd is our own environment variable probably corresponding to the root but need not be the same.
// console.log(processedArgs.root)
// console.log('PWD :' + ENV.PWD)
// console.log('cwd : ' + process.cwd())
// console.log('launchscriptdir : ' + path.normalize(__dirname))

// Script may exists in the same location where we were launched(PWD) but that doesn't mean we r running from elxr.
// script could have been copied tosome random location and run from there.
// check elxr is preinstalled in same location. If so we need to chdir to parent. Else promt for confirmation of root.
var launchdir = /*process.env.PWD ||*/ process.cwd() // mingw + node --inspect-brk behaves differently has a PWD that windows commands cannot recognize /d instead of D:\ and process.chdir fails..
var parentdir = path.dirname( launchdir )
var parentFolderHasElxr = hasElxrSync(parentdir)
var launchFolderHasElxr = hasElxrSync(launchdir)
if( parentFolderHasElxr && (path.normalize(parentdir + '/elxr') === thisscriptdir)) {
// We were run from the proper root with elxr cli in the subfolder.
// PB : TODO -- Cleanup this should no longer be needed... selectedinstance is properly initialized...
// instanceroot = root = selectedinstance.root;
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
root = ENV.wd = parentdir; // Default to the parent.
console.log('BEFORE DISCOVERY')
console.log('version : ' + getVersion());
console.log('process.env.wd : ' + process.env.wd)
console.log('processedArgs.root : ' + processedArgs.root)
console.log('wd :' + ENV.wd)
console.log('PWD :' + ENV.PWD)
console.log('cwd : ' + process.cwd())
console.log(`thisscriptdir = ${thisscriptdir}`)
console.log(`root = ${root}`)
console.log(`instanceroot = ${instanceroot}`)
if(!processedArgs.root){ // There is no runtime invoke time named args override.
// Script may exists in the same location where we were launched(PWD) but that doesn't mean we r running from elxr.
// script could have been copied tosome random location and run from there.
// check elxr is preinstalled in same location. If so we need to chdir to parent. Else promt for confirmation of root.
var launchdir = /*process.env.PWD ||*/ process.cwd() // mingw + node --inspect-brk behaves differently has a PWD that windows commands cannot recognize /d instead of D:\ and process.chdir fails..
var parentdir = path.dirname( launchdir )
var parentFolderHasElxr = hasElxrSync(parentdir)
var launchFolderHasElxr = hasElxrSync(launchdir)
if( path.normalize(launchdir + '/elxr') === thisscriptdir ) {
// launchFolderHasElxr is false -- and yet thiscriptdir is still proper.
if(!launchFolderHasElxr) {
console.warn('Warning : detected thisscriptdir as subfolder but did not recognize launchdir as a proper root. elxr may not autoupdate...')
// hasElxr checks for git repo status and elxr id stamping etc.
// exlr tool may have been acquired unconventionally and we may not be able to manage it.
// We will run anyway though
else {
if( path.normalize(parentdir + '/elxr') === thisscriptdir ) {
// launchFolderHasElxr is false -- and yet thiscriptdir is still proper.
// PB : TODO -- Maybe a warning / abort if for some reason thisscriptdir should not be used...
console.error('Warning : detected thisscriptdir as elxr subfolder but not recognized as elixir. git updates might fail.')
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
root = ENV.wd = launchdir;
else if( path.normalize(parentdir + '/elxr') === thisscriptdir ) {
if(!parentFolderHasElxr) {
console.warn('Warning : detected thisscriptdir as subfolder but did not recognize parentdir as a proper root. elxr may not autoupdate...')
// PB : TODO -- Cleanup this should no longer be needed... selectedinstance is properly initialized...
root = ENV.wd = parentdir; // Default to the parent.
else {
if (launchdir === thisscriptdir) {
// Same directory doesn't mean we are being run from elxr sub directory. It could be a dislocated standalone elxr script.
// PB : TODO -- In case elxr is not full elxr we need to locate it and relaunch to switch to the full version...
// if(!parentFolderHasElxr) console.error('Invalid run location in subfolder that looks like elxr. We should probably abort.')
if (BUILD_VERSION.indexOf('Version: {version} - built on {date}') > -1) {
// Confirmed we were run from an Unbuilt ( meaning non standalone ) elxr therefore we are in the elxr sub directory.
root = ENV.wd = parentdir; // Default to the parent.

// instanceroot = root = path.normalize(selectedinstance.root + '/..');
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root });
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root));
else if (launchdir === thisscriptdir) {
// Same directory doesn't mean we are being run from elxr sub directory. It could be a dislocated standalone elxr script.
// PB : TODO -- In case elxr is not full elxr we need to locate it and relaunch to switch to the full version...
// if(!parentFolderHasElxr) console.error('Invalid run location in subfolder that looks like elxr. We should probably abort.')
if (BUILD_VERSION.indexOf('Version: {version} - built on {date}') > -1) {
// Confirmed we were run from an Unbuilt ( meaning non standalone ) elxr therefore we are in the elxr sub directory.
root = ENV.wd = parentdir; // Default to the parent.
else if(!parentFolderHasElxr) {

// Either case we use the launchdir.
// if(launchFolderHasElxr) {
// // Probably a standalone run. Lets just go with it
// root = ENV.wd = launchdir;
// }

// instanceroot = root = path.normalize(selectedinstance.root + '/..');
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root });
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root));
// In standalone build script we may or not be in the same location.
// We could have been run from the elxr subfolder. However we cant say for sure.
// Most likely that the built version isn't the full elxr. We assume elxr doesnt exist and create an new elxr under..
console.error('Warning : detected thisscriptdir as elxr subfolder but not recognized as elixir. git updates might fail.')
root = ENV.wd = launchdir;
else {
// In standalone build script we may or not be in the same location.
if(!parentFolderHasElxr) {
// We could have been run from the elxr subfolder. However we cant say for sure.
// Most likely that the built version isn't the full elxr. We assume elxr doesnt exist and create an new elxr under..
console.error('Warning : detected thisscriptdir as elxr subfolder but not recognized as elixir. git updates might fail.')
root = ENV.wd = launchdir;
else {
// Built version was run from the full elxr subfolder
root = ENV.wd = parentdir; // Default to the parent.
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
// Assume current selectedinstance.root is a new instance and create.
// Figure out the instnace name and environment from parent folders as an alternative option with confirmation if not provided in the arguments.
// if(clioverrides.instanceName) {
// if(clioverrides.node_env) {
// instanceroot = root = path.normalize(selectedinstance.root + '/' + clioverrides.instanceName + '/' + clioverrides.node_env)
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, instanceName : clioverrides.instanceName, node_env : clioverrides.node_env })
// // instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root)) // This can be an option but is unnecessary unless a confirmation is provided.
// // also folder names may have no relation to the actual instanceName and instanceType coz we need to have many
// // eg : floder name can be elixir01 but instance name is elixr
// }
// else {
// instanceroot = root = path.normalize(selectedinstance.root + '/' + clioverrides.instanceName + '/' + 'development')
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, instanceName : clioverrides.instanceName, node_env : 'development' })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root)) // A recessive option only.
// }
// }
// else {
// instanceroot = root = selectedinstance.root;
// if(clioverrides.node_env) {
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, node_env : clioverrides.node_env })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
// }
// else {
// // Nothing was specified... We only have one option from root.
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = detectfromroot(launcpath))
// }
// }
// Built version was run from the full elxr subfolder
root = ENV.wd = parentdir; // Default to the parent.
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
// Assume current selectedinstance.root is a new instance and create.
// Figure out the instnace name and environment from parent folders as an alternative option with confirmation if not provided in the arguments.

// if(clioverrides.instanceName) {
// if(clioverrides.node_env) {
// instanceroot = root = path.normalize(selectedinstance.root + '/' + clioverrides.instanceName + '/' + clioverrides.node_env)
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, instanceName : clioverrides.instanceName, node_env : clioverrides.node_env })
// // instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root)) // This can be an option but is unnecessary unless a confirmation is provided.
// // also folder names may have no relation to the actual instanceName and instanceType coz we need to have many
// // eg : floder name can be elixir01 but instance name is elixr
// }
// else {
// instanceroot = root = path.normalize(selectedinstance.root + '/' + clioverrides.instanceName + '/' + 'development')
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, instanceName : clioverrides.instanceName, node_env : 'development' })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root)) // A recessive option only.
// }
// }
// else {
// instanceroot = root = selectedinstance.root;
// if(clioverrides.node_env) {
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root, node_env : clioverrides.node_env })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
// }
// else {
// // Nothing was specified... We only have one option from root.
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = detectfromroot(launcpath))
// }
// }
else if(launchFolderHasElxr) {
root = ENV.wd = launchdir;
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
else {
// Ambiguous but assume script is standalone in the instanceroot.
root = ENV.wd = launchdir;
else if(launchFolderHasElxr) {
root = ENV.wd = launchdir;
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detected = { root })
// instanceoptions.splice( 0, 0, detectfromroot(root))
else {
// Ambiguous but assume script is standalone in the instanceroot
// Lets defualt to the script parent assuming there is an instanceroot there. Hoever this should probably be a prompt where possible.
// when we r in that mode.
if(uselauncdirasdefaultroot) {
// must be a new install in the selectedinstance.root with script invoked from some random location.
// Working directory as a .env variable was not passed in.
root = ENV.wd = launchdir;
else root = ENV.wd = process.env.wd
else {
var scriptparent = path.dirname( thisscriptdir )
root = ENV.wd = scriptparent;
else root = ENV.wd = process.env.wd
else {
if(process.env.wd && process.env.wd !== processedArgs.root) throw 'wd and root must match.'
@@ -442,6 +475,7 @@ shell_verse.acquireElevationState().then((isElevated) => {
ENV.NODE_ENV = processedArgs.node_env || (ENV.NODE_ENV && ENV.NODE_ENV.trim()) || 'development'
console.log('AFTER DISCOVERY')
console.log('version : ' + getVersion());
console.log('process.env.wd : ' + process.env.wd)
console.log('processedArgs.root : ' + processedArgs.root)
@@ -451,6 +485,8 @@ shell_verse.acquireElevationState().then((isElevated) => {
console.log('PWD :' + ENV.PWD)
console.log('cwd : ' + process.cwd())
console.log(`thisscriptdir = ${thisscriptdir}`)
console.log(`root = ${root}`)
console.log(`instanceroot = ${instanceroot}`)
var cli = require('./cliverse')
@@ -497,8 +533,62 @@ shell_verse.acquireElevationState().then((isElevated) => {
, exludeMergeRepos : { }
}; // PB : TODO -- Use initialized instance instead of __default everywhere.

var regexreplaceall = function(content, ps){
var repmatches
var replaced = content;
while (repmatches = ps.strOrregexp.exec(content)) {

if(content.length > 0) {
var replacement = repmatches[0]
for(var m = 1; m < repmatches.length; m++) {
replacement = replacement.replace(repmatches[m], ps.substitutes[m-1])
replaced = replaced.replace( repmatches[0], replacement )
return replaced

var cmds = {
remote : {
sqlpreprocess : {
noprerequisites : true
, cmdFn : function(args){

var sqlquery = fs.readFileSync(args._[1], { encoding: 'utf8'})
sqlquery = PATTERNAPI.includesql(sqlquery, path.dirname(args._[1]))
fs.writeFileSync(args._[1] + '.d.sql', sqlquery, { encoding: 'utf8'})

return sqlquery

// // PB : TODO -- move to dsql preprocesor
// // var sqlquery = 'SET @dsql = @dsql + ' + "'" + ('' + fs.readFileSync(args._[1])).replace(/\'/g,"''") + "'"
// var sqlquery = fs.readFileSync(args._[1], { encoding: 'utf8'})
// var regExp = /\-\-\s{{INCLUDE(.*?) ([\s\S]*?)}}\s\-\-/gm;

// var options = {}
// sqlquery = replacepatterns(sqlquery, regExp, (matches, sqlquery)=>{
// if (matches[1] === 'ASDSQL') options.dsql = true
// var replacement = {
// distinctpatterntoreplace : new RegExp("\\-\\-\\s{{INCLUDE\\s" + matches[2] + "}}\\s\\-\\-","gm")
// , detectedvaluepattern : matches[2]
// // escaped dsql... //'SET @dsql = @dsql + ' + "'" + ('' + fs.readFileSync(args._[1])).replace(/\'/g,"''") + "'"
// }

// if(options.dsql) replacement.substituedvalue = ('SET @dsql = @dsql + ' + "'" + ('' + fs.readFileSync(path.dirname(args._[1]) + '/' + matches[2])).replace(/\'/g,"''") + "'")
// else replacement.substituedvalue = fs.readFileSync(path.dirname(args._[1]) + '/' + matches[2])
// sqlquery = sqlquery.replace(replacement.distinctpatterntoreplace, replacement.substituedvalue);
// regExp.lastIndex = 0;
// })

// // console.log(replaced)
// fs.writeFileSync(args._[1] + '.d.sql', sqlquery, { encoding: 'utf8'})
, toArgs : function( o ){ return o }
, interpret() { return { cmd : processedArgs._.slice(0, 1) } }
, remote : {
interpret() { return utils.assign_core( { keycase: true, arraymergetype : utils.assign_core.DISTINCT_UNION }
, { cmd : processedArgs._.slice(0, 2).join(' '), runchoice : 'c' }) }
, noprerequisites : true
@@ -509,6 +599,9 @@ shell_verse.acquireElevationState().then((isElevated) => {
, { cmd : 'start', runchoice : 'c'
, node_env : ENV.NODE_ENV, root : ENV.wd, instanceType : ENV.NODE_ENV
, toArgs : function( o ){
return o
, 'remote refresh' : {
// return a interpreted set of arguments for this cmd run context.
@@ -3440,23 +3533,6 @@ shell_verse.acquireElevationState().then((isElevated) => {
// }
// }

var regexreplaceall = function(content, ps){
var repmatches
var replaced = content;
while (repmatches = ps.strOrregexp.exec(content)) {

if(content.length > 0) {
var replacement = repmatches[0]
for(var m = 1; m < repmatches.length; m++) {
replacement = replacement.replace(repmatches[m], ps.substitutes[m-1])
replaced = replaced.replace( repmatches[0], replacement )
return replaced

// filesystem walk
const fswalk = async (pathToWalk, options, actions) => {
// options = options || { depthfirst : true }
