const { any } = require('bbhverse');
const fs = require('fs')

var cli = require('./cliverse')
var nodeShellExec = cli.nodeShellExec;

function elevatedRunIPCWriteMessage( target, m ) {
  fs.writeFileSync(target, ', ' + JSON.stringify( m ), { 'flag': 'a+' }) 

var __isElevated = null;
var shell_verse = {
  // getCommonTask is agnostic of whether we are running in an elevated shell or not. It runs in either case.
    getCommonTask( taskToRun ){ return ()=>{ return shell_verse.runTask(taskToRun) }}
  , runTask : ( taskToRun ) => {
    if (__isElevated)  return shell_verse.elevatedRunner( taskToRun )
    else return shell_verse.runNonElevated( taskToRun )

  , elevatedRunner( taskToRun, inBatch ){
    // PB : TODO -- Should be called only when we are in an elevated shell that was already requested from an unelevated shell with a batch of tasks.
    try {
      var runlogjson = `${selectedinstance.root}/.elxr/run-${runtimestamp}/run.log`
      var __runasresult = null;
      return taskToRun().then((r)=>{ 
          // PB : TODO -- Every elevation should have its own messaging file. Async writes from multiple processes are a problem here...
          elevatedRunIPCWriteMessage( runlogjson, ', ' + JSON.stringify( { info :, success: true }) ) 
          if(!inBatch) fs.writeFileSync('run.done', 'success')  // PB : TODO -- This should be done conditionally if we are running inproc.
          return __runasresult = r;
        .catch((e) => {
          elevatedRunIPCWriteMessage( runlogjson, ', ' + JSON.stringify(e ) ) 
          if(!inBatch)fs.writeFileSync('run.done', 'failure')
        .finally(() => {
          // if(__runasresult && !__runasresult.skipped) fs.unlinkSync('run.done')
    catch (e) {
      console.error('Error Invalid command : ' + e)
      if(!inBatch) fs.writeFileSync('run.done', 'error')
    finally {
  , getElevatedTask : function( taskToRun ){ return ()=>{ return shell_verse.runElevated(taskToRun) }}
  , getElevatedTaskInBatch : function( taskToRun ){ return ()=>{ return shell_verse.runElevatedInBatch(taskToRun) }}
  , runElevatedInBatch : ( taskToRun ) => {
    if (__isElevated) return shell_verse.elevatedRunner(taskToRun, true)
    else return shell_verse.requestElevation(shell_verse.elevatedRunner, taskToRun)
  , runElevated : ( taskToRun ) => {
    // Let shell_verse decide whether to Elevate Out of Proc or In Proc
    // taskToRun by default is the launched command and args. Specially in windows out of proc.
    // taskToRun = taskToRun || (()=>{ return op[processedArgs.label || processedArgs._[0] || 'undefined'](processedArgs) }) 

    if(taskToRun.processedArgs.skipelevated) return Promise.resolve({ skipped : true });

    if (__isElevated) {
      return shell_verse.elevatedRunner(taskToRun)
    else {
      console.log('Requesting Elevated Privileges');
      // requesteElevation is acutally request elevation and run. Both In Proc and Out of Proc.
      // Linux doesnt require elevation for most commands...
      return shell_verse.requestElevation(shell_verse.elevatedRunner, taskToRun)
  , runElevatedBatch( batchToRun ){
    // In windows we don't need to run each task. We hand over to another shell which in elevated state rebuilds the whole batch and runs.
    // Irrespective of the batch we just call runElevated once.
    if (__isElevated) {
      return any(batchToRun).then((r)=>{ 
        // PB : TODO -- Every elevation should have its own messaging file. Async writes from multiple processes are a problem here...
        // fs.writeFileSync('run.log', ', ' + JSON.stringify( { info :, success: true }), { 'flag': 'a+' })
        fs.writeFileSync('run.done', 'success')  // PB : TODO -- This should be done conditionally if we are running inproc.
        return __runasresult = r;
      .catch((e) => {
        // fs.writeFileSync('run.log', ', ' + JSON.stringify(e), { 'flag': 'a+' })
        fs.writeFileSync('run.done', 'failure')
      // .finally(() => {
      //   if(__runasresult && !__runasresult.skipped) fs.unlinkSync('run.done')
      // });
    else {
      return this.runElevated(batchToRun[0])

  , getNonElevatedTask : function( taskToRun ){ return ()=>{ return shell_verse.runNonElevated(taskToRun) } }
  , runNonElevated : ( taskToRun ) => {
    // Let shell_verse decide whether to Elevate Out of Proc or In Proc
    if(__isElevated) {
      return Promise.resolve( 'Skipping regular task in elevated shell.' ) // Regular tasks unless marked as common tasks should not run in elevated shell...
    else {
      // taskToRun by default is the launched command and args.
      // taskToRun = taskToRun || (()=>{ return op[processedArgs.label || processedArgs._[0] || 'undefined'](processedArgs) }) 

      return taskToRun().then(r=>{
        taskToRun.statuslog.statuslog(null, /*repo*/ )
        return r;
      }).catch((e) => { =;
        if(taskToRun.errHandler) throw taskToRun.errHandler(e)
        taskToRun.statuslog.statuslog(e); //
        // console.error(e)
        throw e;

  , isElevated : ()=>{
    return acquireElevationState().then( ()=>{
      shell_verse.isElevated = () => {
        return Promise.resolve(__isElevated)
      return shell_verse.isElevated()

  // , isElevationOutOfProc : ()=>{ return true }
  , acquireElevationState : () => {
    return nodeShellExec("fsutil", ["dirty", "query", "C:"], {
      inherit: true
      // , shell: true
      , stdio: 'ignore'
      , env: process.env
      , title: `check privileged execution mode using "fsutil dirty query C:"`
    }).then((exitcode) => {
      __isElevated = true;
    }).catch(() => {
      __isElevated = false;
      console.log('Not Elevated');
      shell_verse.acquireElevationState = ()=> Promise.resolve(__isElevated); 
      shell_verse.isElevated = () => { return Promise.resolve(__isElevated)}
      return __isElevated;
  , getTaskCheckExists : cli.createTask('getTaskCheckExists', 'where')

  , getbash : ()=>{ return "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\sh.exe" }

  , createJuntionOrLink : (dirOrFile, target, opts) =>{
    return nodeShellExec('mklink', ['/J', dirOrFile, target], opts).catch((e) => { console.error(e) })
  , removeJuncionOrLink : ( junctionOrLink )=>{
    return nodeShellExec('rmdir', [junctionOrLink], { inherit: true, shell: true, env: process.env })

  , requestElevation(elevatedRunner, taskToRun) {
      // PB : TODO -- Multiple parallel request elevations should be queued into a batch and serialized as a single promise.

      var processedArgs = taskToRun.processedArgs, selectedinstance = taskToRun.selectedinstance , statuslog = taskToRun.statuslog 
      // Wait for the runas to complete before we read it.
      try {
        fs.unlinkSync('run.done') // Need a unique file for aech elevated run.
      catch (e) { } //Ignore 

      // Find node path to send to hta.
      return nodeShellExec('where', ['node']).then(r => {
        var namedArgs = [];
        console.log('result : ' + JSON.stringify(r))
        Object.keys(processedArgs).forEach((v) => { v != '_' ? namedArgs.push('--' + v + '=' + processedArgs[v]) : null; })
        // PB : TODO -- Convert all the cli args back to string.
        var args = [`${selectedinstance.root}/.elxr/run-${taskToRun.runtimestamp}/windowselevate.hta`].concat(processedArgs._)
        namedArgs.length > 0 ? args = args.concat(namedArgs.join(' ')) : null; 
        var elevatedruntimestamp = (new Date()).getTime()

        // args.push('--nodepath=' + r.messages[r.messages.length - 1])
        // if (!processedArgs.node_env) args.push('--node_env=' + ENV.NODE_ENV)
        // if (processedArgs.debug) args.push('--debug=true') // Enable to debug elevated..
        // console.dir(processedArgs._)
        // console.dir(namedArgs.join(' '))
        // throw 'test'

        return nodeShellExec('MSHTA', [`"${args.join('" "')}"`]
          , {
            inherit: true
            , shell: true
            , env: taskToRun.ENV
            , runas: 'self'
            , title: `runas`
        ).then(() => {
          // runas returned.
          try {
            // PB : TODO -- Log is comma prefixed. Needs to be proper JSON.
            var runlogjson = `${selectedinstance.root}/.elxr/run-${elevatedruntimestamp}/run.log`
            var runaslog = JSON.parse('[' +  fs.readFileSync(runlogjson, { flags: 'a+' }) + ']');
            try { fs.unlinkSync(runlogjson) } catch(e){  } // PB : TODO -- Have a unique file for each elevated run.
            // console.log( "runaslog : " + runaslog.length )
            // Assemble elevated run results into the main run log
            runaslog.forEach((logEntry) => {
              statuslog.statuslog(logEntry.success ? null : logEntry, logEntry)
              logEntry.success ? (console.log(['success :' + logEntry.result]), console.log((logEntry.messages || []).join(' '))) : (console.error(['error :' + logEntry.result]), console.error((logEntry.messages || []).join(' ')))
          catch (e) {
            // We must have a runas log
            console.error('Run log error probably was not created by runas : ' + e)
          .catch(err => console.error('Elevation failed : ' + err));
  , iswin(){ return true}
  , islin(){ return false}

module.exports = shell_verse