var assert = require('chai').assert const util = require('util'); var utils = require("../bbhverse-pb-wip/utils") var js = utils.js; const proxiedDescriptor = js.proxiedDescriptor; const Ref = js.Ref; const valueBackedAccessor = js.valueBackedAccessor; var vValue = js.vValue; // var o = {} // Object.defineProperty(o, 'vV', proxiedDescriptor.create()); // var x = { a: 5 } // o.vV = x; // console.dir(o.vV) // // console.log("" + (o.vV.current=== x)) // assert.strictEqual(o.vV.current, x); // o.vV.revision = { a : '4'} // assert.strictEqual(o.vV.previous, x); console.dir(Reflect.ownKeys(Reflect)); // Find proxyable types (()=>{ utils.js.typeInstances.forEach((instance)=>{ try { new Proxy(instance,{}) js.proxyable.push(js.nativeType(instance)) } catch(e){ js.nonproxyable.push(js.nativeType(instance)) // console.log('Proxy not possible for : ' + js.nativeType(instance)) // console.log(e); } }) return; })() console.dir('console.dir(js.proxyable)'); console.dir(js.proxyable) console.dir('console.dir(js.nonproxyable)'); console.dir(js.nonproxyable); // Getter Setter test. var vstore = ''; var r = {} Object.defineProperty(r, 'p',{ get : function(){ return 'u got me : ' + vstore }, set : function(v){ vstore = v}, enumerable:true }) console.dir(r) console.dir('***************-------- ') r.p = 'Pvalue' var ref = js.Ref.create(r, 'p') console.dir(ref) ref.y ='sadasdf' console.dir(ref) ref.assign('u set me') ref.x = 'asd' console.dir(ref) console.dir(r) r = {} ref = js.Ref.create(r, 'p') console.dir('***************-------- ') console.dir(ref) console.dir(typeof(ref)) r.p = 'initialP' console.dir(ref) console.dir(typeof(ref)) // PB : TODO -- Test // r.p preexisting value or with data descriptor // r.p with accessor that has side effects. // r.p is an object. r = { p : 'p'} ref = js.Ref.create(r, 'p') console.dir('***************-------- ') console.dir(ref) console.dir(typeof(ref)) console.dir(typeof(new String('abc'))) // console.dir('ref() -------- ') // console.dir(ref()) // console.dir('ref() -------- ') ref.assign("P") console.dir(ref) // console.dir('astring')) console.dir(r) ref.assign("PP") console.dir(ref) console.dir( console.dir(new String('asdfasdf')) console.dir( String('asdfasdf'))) // console.dir( Proxy(new String('rawproxy'), {}))) console.dir(r) r.p = "original replaced" console.dir(ref) console.dir(r) // PB : TODO -- enable when ref extensions are implemented. console.dir('ref.x') console.dir(ref.x) ref.x = 'X'; console.dir(ref.x) console.dir(ref) console.dir(r) console.dir(ref.substring(2,5)) r.p = 'x after pchanged' // ref.assign(Object.assign(new String('sdsd'), { p : r.p}) ) console.dir(ref.x) console.dir(ref) console.dir(r) ref.assign(new String('ref.assign')); console.dir(ref.x) console.dir(ref) console.dir(r) var ns = new String('sdsd') console.dir(ns) ns.x = 'X' console.dir(ns) // ref.p = "PLOP" // console.dir(r) // console.dir(ref.p) // var o = js.Versioned.create(proxiedDescriptor['versioned current']) var o = js.Versioned.create() // o = 5; // This will destroy the reference to the prooxy received from Versioned.create. // we cannot override assignment operator... // therefore provision made for assign etc. methods for these types at the object level. // to achieve a switch to the underlying content for the reference. // property level assignment is possible through accessors or proxied descriptors. o.assign(new String('ddd')); console.dir('console.dir(o).......................') // Object.keys(o) console.dir(o) console.dir('ssss' + o) o.x = 'xtttt' console.dir(o) console.dir('sssfff : ' + o) console.dir('console.dir(o).......................') o.assign(new Number(5)); console.dir('console.dir(o).......................') console.dir(o) console.dir('ssss' + o) console.dir(3 + o) console.dir('console.dir(o).......................') // throw 'done' o.assign(new Boolean(true)); console.dir('console.dir(o).......................') console.dir('ssss' + true) console.dir(o) console.dir('ssss' + o) console.dir(3 + o) console.dir(3 + true) console.dir('console.dir(o).......................') // throw 'here' o = js.Versioned.create(o) // Doesn't work. var x = { a: 5 } o.vV = x; console.dir(o.vV) console.dir('console.dir(o).......................') console.dir(o) console.dir('console.dir(o).......................') console.dir(o.vV) // console.log("" + (o.vV.current=== x)) console.log(assert.deepEqual(o.vV, x)); // console.log(assert.strictEqual(o.vV, x, 'o being a Versioned o.vV and { a : 5 } found not strict equal')); console.log(assert.strictEqual(o.vV.current, x, 'but is not')); x = { a: 4 } o.vV.revision = x console.dir(o.vV) assert.deepEqual(o.vV, x); // assert.strictEqual(o.vV, x); // Strictequal will not match coz we get a proxy... // If we expect this to match use x = js.Versioned.create(x) which will be the proxy that will allways match. // PB : TODO -- We don't necessarily need to convert every property in x to a versioned property... assert.strictEqual(o.vV.current, x), 'but is not'; o = js.Versioned.create() x = { a: 5 } o.vV = x; console.dir(o.vV) // console.log("" + (o.vV.current=== x)) assert.deepEqual(o.vV, x, 'o.vV and { a : 5} found equal'); // assert.strictEqual(o.vV.current, x), 'but is not'; x = { a: 4 } o.vV = x console.dir(o.vV) assert.deepEqual(o.vV, x); var ten = { g : "10" } // proxiedDescriptor.ten = ten; var o1 = js.Versioned.create(); // Object.defineProperty(o1, 'vV', proxiedDescriptor.create(o1, 'vV', null, proxiedDescriptor.current)); // o1.vV = null; // initial uninitialized state... console.log('console.log(cloned.vV)') console.log(o1.vV) console.log( console.log('---------------------------------------------') console.log('console.dir(o1.vV)') console.dir(o1.vV) console.log( // throw 'done' console.log('---------------------------------------------') console.log('util.inspect(o1.vV)') console.log(util.inspect(o1.vV)) console.log( console.log('---------------------------------------------') o1.vV = { d : 7 } console.dir(o1.vV) o1.vV = { e : 8 } console.dir(o1.vV) o1.vV = { f : "9 Nine" } console.dir(o1.vV) debugger o1.vV = ten var a = o1.vV; o1.vV = ten // console.log(util.inspect(o1.vV)) // console.log((o1.vV === ten)) console.dir(o1.vV) console.dir(o1.vV.g) assert.deepEqual(o1.vV, ten); assert.strictEqual(o1.vV, a); // Self identity via proxy === proxy. Instead of target === target which is effectively the same.. console.dir('(ten == (+o1.vV))') // console.dir((ten == (+o1.vV))) // false Doesn't work. Throws exception when valueOf and toString return non primitives. console.dir((ten == o1.vV)) console.dir((ten === o1.vV)) // false Doesn't work. coz getter always returns a proxy and not the target. The target indeed is === ten. // The options therefore as alternative or === which fails for proxies are as below. // Explicitly call valueOf or use a helper which gets the real target of the proxy console.dir('(o1.vV.valueOf() === ten)') console.dir((o1.vV.valueOf() === ten)) assert.strictEqual(o1.vV.valueOf(), ten); assert.strictEqual(js.Proxied.getTarget(o1.vV), ten); // assert.strictEqual(o1.vV, ten); // Test descriptor var c = proxiedDescriptor.create(o1, 'dD', null, proxiedDescriptor.current); Object.defineProperty(o1, 'dD', c); var dD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o1, "dD"); console.dir('console.dir(c === dD)') console.dir(c === dD) console.log((dD.get === c.get) + ' ' + 'dD.get === c.get') var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o1, "vV"); console.dir(d); console.dir('switching proxiedDescriptor type to composite revision') proxiedDescriptor.switchTo(d, proxiedDescriptor['composite revision']) o1.vV = { eleven : '11'} console.dir('o1.vV') console.dir(o1.vV) assert.deepEqual(o1.vV, { g : "10", eleven : '11' } ); // Direct access test... var vV = o1.vV; vV.revision = { "12" : 12 } console.dir(vV); console.dir(vV.composite); assert.deepEqual(vV, o1.vV ); var v = ['a', 'b', 'c']; var b = v.valueOf() console.log(v===b) console.dir(b) // Deref Tests. var proxT = { a : 'A', b : { bv : 'bv'}, c : ['e', 4, { x : 'x'}]} var prox = js.mutableProxy.create(proxT) prox = js.mutableProxy.create(prox) prox = js.mutableProxy.create(prox) console.dir(prox) console.dir(proxT === prox) prox = js.mutableProxy.create(prox) prox = js.mutableProxy.create(prox) prox = js.mutableProxy.create(prox) console.dir(js.dereference(prox)) console.dir(proxT === js.dereference(prox)) elxr = utils.elxr // var bitsToset = 0 // for(var i=0; i<32; i++) {bitsToset = js.setBit(i, bitsToset)} // console.dir('' + elxr.toBitString(bitsToset) + ' (' + elxr.toBitString(bitsToset).length + ')') // var unusedmasks = [] // console.dir(unusedmasks.pop()) // elxr.generateBitMaskedSequence([4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]) // elxr.insertBits(16, [1,2]) console.dir(elxr.bitIndices) console.dir(elxr.toBitString(elxr.bitIndices[31])) console.dir(elxr.toBitString(elxr.insertBitsForMask(16, 6))) var nwM = elxr.nextWithMask(6) console.dir(elxr.toBitString( console.dir(elxr.toBitString( console.dir(elxr.toBitString( console.dir(elxr.toBitString(